1929 W553 Strip Card Set

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Fast Facts

Year(s) Issued: 1929

Set Designation: W553

Number Cards: 10

Card Size: 1-3/4″ x 2-3/4″

Common Card Value (Good Condition): $300

Scarcity Rating: (1 to 10, 10 scarcest):  9

Full W553 Checklist

W553 Strip Card Set

Keys For Collectors

W553 – Lots Of Colors In This Confusing Strip/Gum Issue

Not much is known about Marble Gum, aside from the fact that it was based in Philadelphia. Thus, the W553 set has confused collectors for quite some time. The baseball set was once believed to have 15 cards, but some shrewd collectors determined that the extra five cards once believed to be a part of the W553 set were actually Leader Novelty issues.

To confuse the matter further, the W553 cards utilize the same images from the R316 Kashin Publications set and the W554 Strip Card set.

W553 Lou Gehrig

Kashin Lou Gehrig

w554 gehrig

W554 Lou Gehrig

The W553 has a variety of hues that make for many different variations in the set.  Here are three examples of different colored W553 Gehrig cards.


W553 Cards for Sale on eBay