Hey Eric, first thing i did was lookup cert number on the PSA website. Can see that here: https://www.psacard.com/cert/20703165
So, good news is that we have had a lot of auction sales of this particular card.
The key would be to ensure that the photos of past legit auctions match up to this card.
Here's the photo from the last auction on eBay.
In comparing to the photos that you have here for the card, it looks like these cards are different.
The card you posted is off-center, whereas the legit card from past auction photos is perfectly centered.
In addition, take a look at the case. I've circled below where there are big problems--the cases are different and your cards are missing the little dots that are evident in a real PSA holder.
Thus, if you bought or are thinking of buying this card, please avoid as this is a fake card in a fake holder.
@allvintage wow THANK YOU! Luckily I was able to cancel the purchase.
do you also help with opinions on grading ?
ie BGS 9 grading to a PSA 9
on the last card you talked about the centering - I have a hard time seeing those things. Any suggestions for me on how to evaluate things like edges corners surface centering
thank you again