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Help Authenticate this 1984-85 Star ROY Jordan and Autograph

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from a reader:

I’m hoping to get an opinion on a Jordan Star 85 #288 card I recently purchased at auction on eBay. I’ve attached some pictures- if it’s a reprint, I think it’s a really good one… there’s also a signature on the card. Curious to know what your thoughts are on the autograph. See attached photos for reference.

fake jordan auto
Image 7 7 24 at 4.04 PM

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So, this is a fake card and a fake autograph. I'm sorry. I did find the eBay listing in question as well, and that has a ton of red flags I will discuss. g">

Ok, let's start with the fake card.  The easiest tell is on the back of the card.

Please also see our guide to authenticating this particular card on our Star Basketball Cards website: -">

Ok, my clearest tell this is a fake card is on the 'Michael Jordan' text on the top of the card.

here's what a real one looks like:

&source=gmail&ust=1721315711687000&usg=AOvVaw3PQ706qPCpETeMx7j0oBOK"> g" alt="Image 7 7 24 at 4.09 PM" data-bit="iit" />

and then yours:

&source=gmail&ust=1721315711687000&usg=AOvVaw3VSPvoTd1DfeXk3kikmIND"> g" alt="Image 7 7 24 at 4.11 PM" data-bit="iit" />

its subtle, but the text in Michael Jordan is too high and both texts are not bold enough.

The autograph is way off...see our guide to authenticating Jordan autos here to see what i mean...lots of starts and stops and total butchering of the signature in general. e">

The last red flag is the eBay listing...

A signed Jordan Star Auto is worth thousands of dollars...looks like you paid $360.

The seller is also throwing in a Tiger Woods autograph. -- another red flag.

Plus, the seller has zero seller feedback, which should have been enough to walk away at first.

I hope you can get your money back.



PPS - The seller did thankfully get his money back.  
